Kashmir Papier Mache

Kashmir Papier Mache: An Art Form That Breathes Life Into Everyday Objects

Kashmir Papier Mache is an age-old craft that originated in the 15th century in the picturesque valley of Kashmir, in northern India. This exquisite art form involves the use of paper pulp, glue, and natural pigments to create a wide range of decorative objects, including vases, boxes, trays, and figurines.

What makes Kashmir Papier Mache unique is its intricate designs and attention to detail, which have been passed down from generation to generation. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans who use traditional techniques and tools to bring the objects to life.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of Kashmir Papier Mache, exploring its history, techniques, cultural significance, and how it has evolved over time.

History of Kashmir Papier Mache:

Kashmir Papier Mache has a rich history that dates back to the 15th century, during the reign of the Mughal Emperor, Akbar. The art form was introduced to Kashmir by a group of skilled craftsmen from Central Asia, who were invited to the region by the Emperor.

Initially, the craft was limited to making simple objects such as bowls and trays. However, over time, the craftsmen started experimenting with new techniques and designs, which led to the creation of more intricate and elaborate objects.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, Kashmir Papier Mache reached its zenith, with the craft being widely practiced across the valley. The objects produced during this period were highly sought after and were often used as gifts for royalty and nobility.

Techniques and Materials us in Kashmir Papier Mache

Kashmir Papier Mache is a time-intensive process that requires skill and patience. The process starts with the creation of a mold, which is made from a mixture of clay and rice straw. The mold is then coated with layers of paper pulp, which are left to dry in the sun.

Once the paper pulp has dried, it is sanded and polished to create a smooth surface. The object is then painted with natural pigments, which are made from a variety of materials, including crushed gemstones, vegetable dyes, and minerals.

The designs are created using a technique called Naqashi, which involves the use of a fine brush to create intricate patterns and motifs. The final step involves applying a coat of lacquer to give the object a shiny and durable finish.

Cultural Significance Kashmir Papier Mache

Kashmir Papier Mache is not just a craft; it is a part of Kashmir’s cultural heritage. The objects produced through this art form are not only beautiful but also carry significant cultural and religious symbolism.

For instance, the traditional Kashmiri wedding chest, known as Toshak, is made using Kashmir Papier Mache. The chest is often used to store clothes, jewelry, and other valuable items and is considered an essential part of a Kashmiri bride’s dowry.

Kashmir Papier Mache objects are also used during religious ceremonies and festivals, such as Eid and Navroz. The craft is an integral part of Kashmir’s cultural identity, and it has been passed down from generation to generation.

What are the most popular Kashmir Papier Mache objects?

Some of the most popular Kashmir Papier Mache objects include vases, bowls, trays, and figurines. Other popular items include jewelry boxes, lampshades, and decorative wall hangings.

Can Kashmir Papier Mache be used for practical purposes?

Yes, Kashmir Papier Mache objects are not just beautiful, but also functional. For instance, trays and bowls can be used for serving food, while vases can be used for holding flowers.

Is Kashmir Papier Mache eco-friendly?

A. Yes, Kashmir Papier Mache is an eco-friendly art form, as it uses natural materials such as paper pulp, glue, and pigments made from natural materials.


Kashmir Papier Mache is a beautiful and intricate art form that has been passed down from generation to generation. The craft has a rich history, and its objects carry significant cultural and religious symbolism.

Despite facing challenges in recent times, the craft is still being practiced by a dedicated group of artisans. Efforts are being made to preserve and promote the craft, both within Kashmir and globally.

Kashmir Papier Mache objects not only add beauty to our homes but also serve practical purposes. They are functional, eco-friendly, and make for unique and thoughtful gifts.

In conclusion, Kashmir Papier Mache is a testament to the creativity and skill of Kashmiri artisans, and it deserves to be celebrated and appreciated.